What is JSON?

JSON is an acronym for JavaScript Object Notation. It was originally discovered in the early 2000s by Douglas Crockford, one of the architects of JavaScript. JSON is composed of two data structures: An ordered list expressed using "[]" (square brackets) and a collection of key/value pairs which is expressed using "{}" (curly brackets). JSON is considered a data interchange format intended for language-independent usage as a format which is easily composable and readable by humans. The JSON file format is often used as a simpler alternative to XML, as it requires fewer characters and leads to fewer human errors. Today, JSON use is ubiquitous in web and mobile applications to exchange data. Both REST and GraphQL use JSON exclusively, as a way to communicate data between applications.

About JSON Checker

The perfect JSON validation and formatting tool would be fast, simple, intuitive, and beautiful. This is exactly what JSON checker aims to be. JSON checker allows users to input their JSON and quickly check for malformed JSON, fix the issue, and beautify the JSON into a more readable format. When you copy paste your JSON the built-in JSON formatter will autoformat/beautify valid JSON. If your JSON is invalid, we provide clear and concise error messages pointing to a specific line number for you to validate and fix. The tool provides JSON syntax highlighting, to help with readability.

JSON Checker Features

JSON Alternatives